Sunday, 23 March 2014

I found a sweet project on twitter today set up by Art_Accross_The_City/@Lowcs_Art. A megapoem to celebrate the Dylan Thomas centenary. Anyone can post a ditty. There are currently six pages of writing, and contributions are limited to 140 characters. I didn't create an account before I uploaded my rhyme, so I am not credited, but I like the anonymous angle. This is what I came up with over my boiled eggs this morning:

A teeter in the terrace
and a dream out of kilter,
we lift steel from the furnace.

I think I will have a bash at a few more lines after demolishing the roast beef I have just banged in the oven.

Saturday, 1 March 2014


A poem I performed at a Literature Wales event today in Neath. Happy St Davids day.


Naked feet shooting pains of devout guilt
we grind the sacrosanct barnacle furze
only in places. Bearing no burrs,
over a fathom deep, more beautiful gilt,
damson dark, we mash. Pale bodies so spilt
we see moonlight shot the interiors;
clamps, grow on grow kept them from predators.
We strip timid so many ways to tilt.

Bewildering seizures of thrill wake us,
cut scalpel clean,
                            painless from everything,
every fibre
                                      of ocean.
I rise to what a full moon uncovers,
rip from the water-line
                                     ample feasting,
     my humility